Wednesday, July 28, 2010

DVD coming soon!

Indiepix is doing a great job getting the DVD into all the right places. It'll be available at select retailers on August 17 before expanding wide on September 21 in the USA and then expand from there to other countries.

Pre-order your copy now! (It's got lots of cool special features like filmmaker interviews, deleted scenes, a whole special section on One Square Inch, including a map to the quietest place in the USA, and a beautiful 72 minute audio recording that is a sample of 56 of Gordon's best recordings...that alone is worth the cost of the DVD!)

And don't forget to add it into your Netflix queue...the more queues we appear in, the more Netflix starts to recommend it to other users.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Nature Sounds Society's Annual Field Workshop in the Sierras

Spent a great weekend in the Sierras with the Nature Sound Society at their annual field workshop. One of the participants covered it in his video blog...